Counter Terrorism Law

Canada’s anti-terrorist financing and anti-money laundering regime of enforcement, oversight, outreach and self-regulation initiatives also addresses the exploitation of charitable organizations for money laundering and terrorist financing. Money laundering and terrorist financing may involve funds raised from legitimate sources, such as donations from individuals and businesses or charitable organizations. Charitable organizations, particularly those operating outside Canada, may be at risk of being used as a front or cover to raise or move funds, personnel, military supplies, and other resources, as well as to deliver humanitarian assistance with the purpose of radicalizing vulnerable communities. At the same time, Canadian charities that are working in conflict areas can be unfairly restricted by over-reaching provisions of Canadian anti-terrorism laws.

As a law firm experienced in serving charities and not-for-profit organizations with operations outside Canada, Carters is able to provide advice with regard to Canada’s anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing regime, including:

  • Anti-bribery Compliance Policies
  • Anti-money Laundering and Anti-terrorism Financing Policies
  • Foreign Charities Operating in Canada
  • Gift Acceptance Policies Involving “Know Your Donor”
  • Governance Advice
  • National and International Structures
  • Operations Outside Canada
By Terrance S. Carter, Nancy E. Claridge, Sean S. Carter and Urshita Grover

AML/ATF and Charity Law Alert No. 54, June 27, 2024.
By Terrance S. Carter, Nancy E. Claridge and Sean S. Carter

AML/ATF and Charity Law Alert No. 53, August 31, 2023.
By Terrance S. Carter, Nancy E. Claridge, Sean S. Carter and Lynne M. Westerhof

AML/ATF and Charity Law Alert No. 52, June 28, 2023.
By Terrance S. Carter, Nancy E. Claridge, Sean S. Carter and Lynne M. Westerhof

AML/ATF and Charity Law Alert No. 51, March 30, 2023.